Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Putin Endorses McCain

While we understand that a week in politics is an eternity, you have to look at the long-term political implications of the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Will the American public decide that the days of the Cold War are back? Will the perception take hold that Russia launched its invasion while Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was getting chummy with President Bush at the Beijing Olympics?

Look at the results of election polls taken during this week to see whether McCain gets a bump up in his percentages. If he does receive such a bump, and if by November the public perception of threats to national and world security do not abate significantly, the electorate will decide that this is no time to elect Barack Obama so that he can invite Vladimir Putin to sing Kumbaya around a campfire. If these conditions hold, look for a McCain win.


Mona Sabalones Gonzalez said...

hello radical moderate, you make some interesting insights as to the cold war coming back. i wish i could understand the issue better, i'm not really updated with the Georgia issue. anyway, this could be a start for me:)

The Radical Moderate said...

Welcome, "Life in the Philippines". Glad you can join us here. We all learn together. TRM