Monday, August 4, 2008

Panic in Obamaville?

The August 4 Gallup Poll has Sen. Obama leading Sen. McCain 46% to 43% among registered voters, maintaining what has been a long standing statistical tie. As the Gallup people state:
The three percentage point advantage for Obama matches the average since early June, when Obama clinched the number of delegates needed to head to the Democratic convention as the presumptive presidential nominee. Since then, Obama has never trailed McCain among registered voters, though McCain has tied Obama five times during this span, including Gallup Poll Daily tracking reports for last Friday and Saturday.

Total voters surveyed was 2,659 over a period of three days. MoE +/-2%

These results have to cause some bright light in the Obama headquarters to break into a sweat. Here they are, just coming off a Presidential quality tour of Europe and Iraq. They have the more charismatic candidate- the other guy is old and decrepit. Obama can wow a crowd of thousands. McCain can't deal with a teleprompter in a closet. Obama is the Ivy League educated lawyer. McCain is a shot-up and shot-down ex-fighter jock. Obama represents change. McCain represents a president loathed by the American people for starting an unnecessary war and trashing the economy.

Yet Obama can't break away from McCain in the polls. Even worse, McCain has caused Obama to tap dance like Bojangles on the issue of offshore oil drilling. MCain's Paris/Brittany attack ad caused Obama to overtly bring up the issue of when the Democrat said during a public appearance that he didn't look like all those guys depicted on our dollar bills.

Sure, we haven't even had the party conventions yet, but our bright light has to be thinking, "We have the candidate. We have the issues. We have the answers.Yet we are basically tied in the polls. So just what do we have to do to put this old man away"?

And the beads of sweat grow just a little larger.

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