Saturday, March 8, 2008

Just for Grins

A SurveyUSA poll takes on the idea raised by Hillary that she might have Barack as her running mate. The poll looked at both possibilities: Hillary as the presidential candidate with Barack as VP, and then with Barack as pres. with Hillary as VP. The poll here, shows that the voters preferred Hillary in the top slot 48% to 36%. I wonder if this means the voters are coming to prefer Hillary and that Barack's run is over?

If Hillary's win in Ohio can be taken as an augury of the upcoming Pennsylvania shin-dig, then neither candidate will have enough delegates to score a clean win early and before the convention.This is bad news for the Democrats, as it forces their candidates to raise and spend inordinate amounts of cash to battle each other, provide grist for the Republicans as the Democrats are forced to sharpen their attacks against each other, and it presents the public with an image of the Democrats in disarray (so what else is new?). In the meantime, the 71 year old John McCain has the opportunity to stay off the campaign trail and rest, with his heaviest burden being to lift the telephone and ask (beg?)for money.

All in all, the Democrats have a great opportunity to blow this election.

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