Monday, March 26, 2007


Money not only makes the world go 'round , as the song in Cabaret says, it makes politics. Billionaire NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is finally letting out hints that he just might take a flier on the '08 race and toss some pocket change, like a couple of billion dollars, on a presidential bid.
New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a self-made billionaire, has told friends more than once that his definition of good financial planning is making sure the check to the undertaker bounces when it's finally time to go.

So how does a billionaire spend all his money before he dies? In Bloomberg's case, he just might drop a cool half-billion on a long-shot bid to become the nation's first modern president from outside the two major political parties.

the rest of the story is here.


Hillary Clinton shook her money maker last week and came up with big bucks,TEN MILLION BALLOONS, according to the NYDAILY NEWS. That's a lot of advertising time on TV in all markets. Hillary is blowing the doors off the Dem competitors as far as dollars and that will be the determining factor this year with so many states pushing up their primaries and compressing the decision making process. The candidate will be decided by the end of February , and that leaves a long, dry spell before the conventions, which will matter only for the free prime time they will afford the candidates.


With Hillary leading the Dem charge to the cash register, look for everyone else to say they didn't expect to raise that much money. The low-balling game is already underway across the political board. John McCain's people are already in the lead in this game, saying , "We started late." Get an excuse slip from your mommy.

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