Thursday, September 18, 2008

John McCain - Thief

It has reached a point where John McCain is making a mockery of himself. Have you noticed how staunch Republican McCain steals Democratic/Liberal language and uses it against them? For example, saying the Democrats were sexist for their attack on McCain's VP pick, the incomparable Sarah Palin, had me rolling on the floor with hysterics.

Now Mr. Republican is trying to figure out the worst economic disaster since the great depression, and he finally comes to the conclusion that government bail-outs are a good thing. Last week he was saying he was for small government, this week he has another position.

Just listen to McCain and hear how low he has sunk. Shame!

1 comment:

McNutty said...

I agree.

This week has been full of those days of roaring optimism about the election. Nearly every day, as I've watched the GOP dirigible float towards Lakehurst, it's seemed as if there's no way the Dems can fumble the gift that's been handed to them in the person of a 72-year old hypocrite who's sold his soul to win the election.

I also have the days of crushing pessimism, as I realize that the voters who are going to decide this election think "Maverick" and only "Maverick" about McCain and...something that's unprintable about Obama. These fools are going to decide the fate of the election, and it doesn't matter how much info about McCain's ridiculousness comes out.

No one is listening.