Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John Loves Sarah

Here is a simple fact: John McCain's campaign is in a shambles.

As I stated previously, McCain had the opportunity to regain credibility as a maverick by choosing Sen. Joe Lieberman as his running mate. McCain could have shown he was a smart politician by choosing Mitt Romney as his running mate. He could have picked Tom Ridge. McCain eschewed all of these options and chose the unknown Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

It turns out that not too much is known about Palin, certainly not by McCain's crack political staff. We all know she is cute. We all know we would rather go hunting with her than with Dick Cheney. Obviously, McCain's crack political team didn't call anyone in Alaska, otherwise they would have learned that Palin is under investigation for abuse of power. They would have learned that this family values hockey mom is also the mother of a pregnant unwed daughter. I guess just preaching abstinence doesn't really work. This is a candidate who has the aura of someone with a closet full of skeletons, all of which are rattling around with great vigor.

The real problem is the total incompetence shown by both McCain's staff and by the candidate himself. Two names come to mind immediately: Tom Eagleton and Geraldine Ferraro. Neither candidate was properly vetted and both turned out to be liabilities to McGovern and Mondale, respectively. Palin has the same stink about her.

John McCain, you have not yet committed political suicide, but why are you holding that knife?

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