Wednesday, May 23, 2007

IOWA-- Polls for Pols

New polls in Iowa have less than good news for some of the perceived presidential candidate front-runners. Rudy ain't doing as well as he thought he would, and Hillary's charm is lost on some of the farmland crowd. Read the linked David Yepsen article.

On the Democratic side, John Edwards leads Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton among likely Iowa Democratic caucus-goers. He gets 29 percent of the Iowa vote. Obama gets 23 percent, and Clinton comes in third with 21 percent. Nationally, Clinton leads in most polls of the Democratic race.

On the Republican side, Mitt Romney has taken the lead with an impressive 30 percent of the vote among that party's likely caucus-goers. John McCain is in second at 18 percent, and Rudy Giuliani is in third with 17 percent.

By the way , does anyone really understand how the heck the Iowa caucuses really operate? And why it is important for a sophisticated pol, someone who is running for president, to be seen sitting on some farmer's bale of hay while chewing on a piece of straw?

Let's think about the importance of all of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you please assess Al Gore's reasons to run or not for the Presidency in 2008. It seems to me that the Dem's have a lock. They just have to pick someone who will give voters a reason not to vote for them. I cannot imagine the DNC risking a bold move like nominating a woman or a black man.