Saturday, May 19, 2007

GITMO Lawyer Guilty

A Navy court found LCDR Matthew Diaz guilty after he gave the names of 550 GITMO detainees to a "human rights lawywer".Diaz took the "Nuremberg" defense, claiming that his actions were morally correct because he thought the detainees were being abused at the military installation prison on the island of Cuba.Here is CNN on the story

So Diaz gets six months in prison, without loss of rank or pay.He could have been imprisoned for up to 14 years. He got off way too easy for engaging in what used to be called " dime store novel" tactics.As for motive, CNN says:
But in an hour long interview after the opening day of his trial Monday, Diaz said he believes the Bush administration's prosecution of the war on terror is illegal. He accused officials of violating international law, such as the Geneva Conventions on the humane treatment of war prisoners, and the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of due process.

Diaz may well be right about the actions of the Bush administration, but his own actions were just as illegal.

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