Monday, September 1, 2008

Pergrine1 Writes...

How well will the McCain/Palin team stand the next several weeks of paparazzi-like scrutiny into every aspect of the nominee's selection that goes BEYOND what has already been exposed in the Lower 48:
-Bridge-to-Nowhere flip/flop?
-Husband's involvement with BP?

Questions should arise about how well she can simultaneously satisfy her conflicting roles as parent and Vice President, whether she will try to deal with political opponents in the same backwoods manner as she did in Alaska.

Some pundit opined that her selection was the equivalent of "Dan Quayle in a dress". I subscribe to the more likely theory that she's "George W. Bush in a dress". Imagine being invited to go on a moose hunting trip with her...

I would rather go on a moose hunting trip with her than with Dick Cheney-TRM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even want to be invited to the shotgun wedding! :)
