Friday, December 25, 2009

Tea Time's Over..

Sometimes you just have to take a break and step back and take things in . Or, to quote that great sage, Yogi Berra, "You can observe a lot by looking". And listening.

It's been almost one year since Barack Obama became president. How is he doing? How are we doing? How is the world doing? In traditional journalism, a synopsis and assessment at the end of a calender year is called a "year-ender". I'll have a lot to say in the coming days as I go through my "year-ender"

A parting note. I welcome any well developed position and I have posted opinions that vary widely from my own. But a note to those people who try to send all sorts of spam through this web site. Notice that none of it gets posted as I moderate all comments and I refuse to post your nonsense. So give it up. You will not succeed.

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