Saturday, December 26, 2009

Copenhagen Bar-B-Q or Does the Earth Fry When Environment Talks Fail?

More comments on Copenhagen later, but i found this article of great interest.

The failure in Copenhagen clearly seems to fall into the lap of China. While some might be surprised at this development, I am not. China is too dependent on its environmental suicide-particularly in the form of coal fueled electric plants-as a foundation for its economic power and world leadership, status which its leaders believe to be its manifest destiny in the 21st century.

Chinese leaders have learned well the dictum of Mao Tse Tung, "Talk, Talk. Fight, Fight". Their aim is to sit at negotiating tables without actually accomplishing anything of mutual benefit while simultaneously pursuing their own interests away from negotiations.

It is a hallmark of negotiations with the Chinese that one must be ready sit at the table with them knowing that they are prepared to sit and stall and talk in circles until, to quote Adlai Stevenson, "hell freezes over" or they accomplish all of their goals. Only in regards to the Copenhagen talks, hell won't freeze over. In this case, the earth will have the biggest bar-b-q ever.

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