Sunday, January 18, 2009

John Boehner, How Can You Look at Yourself in the Mirror Each Morning

Congressman John Boehner (R-OH), the current minority leader, has probably reached personal; political depths that are beyond comprehension. Elected in 1990, Boehner started out as a true maverick, uncovering myriad little Congressional perks and schemes and demanding change in the manner of an old-time conservative. But since 2000 Boehner has been a staunch Bush ally, going along with the President's budget-busting "no tax and spend like a drunken sailor" policies that have left this country bankrupt, to all intents and purposes.

So now Boehner rediscovers his small "c" conservative background to lead the charge against Barack Obama's plans to get this economy rolling again with the lame charge that Obama wants big Liberal government. take a look at this:

(T)he president understands that we need to stimulate the economy, not stimulate our government. And, if you look at the over $500 billion worth of spending, a lot of it's going to fix up federal buildings, and -- and $6 billion to community action programs to do weatherization programs.

It's just more of the same kind of wasteful spending that we have seen in the past. I was really -- I was shocked.

MARGARET WARNER: But you have...

HOUSE MINORITY LEADER JOHN BOEHNER: And that's what why I said what I said.

MARGARET WARNER: You have picked out fairly small little pieces of this. What about the big, broad categories? I think there are $90 billion for infrastructure, roads and sewers and bridges.

HOUSE MINORITY LEADER JOHN BOEHNER: No, no, no, well, there's $30 billion for -- for roads.

John Boehner, how can you look at yourself in the mirror each morning and not let that razor blade slip just a little?

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