Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Debating Debates

I’ll leave it to the paid pundits to determine who won last night's debate between Hillary and Barack. This morning I ask myself this question: what constitutes ”winning”?

Are the candidates trying to hit each other over the head with facts so that some independent judge can render a final score, just like in high school?

Are the candidates simply trying to project an image of being “presidential”, of being calm, controlled, in command and unflustered in the face of an opponent’s attack?

Are the candidates trying to reach voters to sway them to come over to their side? If they are, how many people are watching? Why are they watching? Are they watching a debate to see if one candidate commits a fatal gaffe, like Gerald Ford claiming Poland was not behind the Iron Curtain? Is it a political version of NASCAR, just waiting for the inevitable blood?

Any thoughts?

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