Saturday, March 3, 2007


Obama and Israel

Barack Obama addresses AIPAC and comes through unscathed. Ha’Aretz has the story



All together now…. Awwwwwww

From the Washington Post

Conservatives Look for a Winning Hand

Lack of Candidate to Rally Around Has Key GOP Constituency Feeling Glum

From The Politico


Giuliani time….

New polls show Rudy leading other Republican candidates.

His poll numbers kind of remind me of a line from a favorite movie ("The Right Stuff")

"It goes up like a cannon ball and.. it comes down like a cannon ball."

Once the scrutiny starts and the opposition research gets released, I don't see how his poll numbers will stay high.


On Hillary

On the good side of the ledger, Hillary isn’t playing the “Mea Culpa” game the Democrat's left wing is demanding of senators who both voted for the war and currently are presidential candidates. On the other hand..well, read what she has to say about presidential powers…

“Mrs. Clinton’s belief in executive power and authority is another factor weighing against an apology, advisers said. As a candidate, Mrs. Clinton likes to think and formulate ideas as if she were president — her “responsibility gene,” she has called it. In that vein, she believes that a president usually deserves the benefit of the doubt from Congress on matters of executive authority.”

Read the whole story in the NYTIMES

Joe Liberman, DEMOCRAT!

The Democratic Party’s left wing targeted Joe Lieberman. He’s still a senator and he’s still a Democrat. Better than others!

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