Saturday, November 5, 2011

Economy Blues

Much , or something has been made of the fact that the latest jobs report indicates that 80,000 jobs were created last month, here: ., with a concomitant but minuscule decrease in the unemployment rate from 9.1 % to 9.0%.  The report also states that:

"The number of people considered long-term unemployed, meaning they have been looking for work for at least six months, fell by 366,000, to 5.9 million. That is the fewest since April."

Unfortunately , the job creation numbers were lower than the 100,000 jobs that were expected to be created plus these numbers do not account for those who have become discouraged and shave stopped looking for work.

The old saying, " A recession is when your friend is out of work. A Depression is when you are out of work." applies. The number of hidden unemployed is far greater than the 9.0% that the government  wants you to believe.  Modern unemployment benefits and other progressive government actions have prevented this depression from looking like the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unfortunately, the Republicans would love to turn back the clock to eliminate all of those protections. In fact they would love to eliminate everything that protects the middle and working classes. And they have the audacity, the pure chutzpah, to suggest that  the implementation of a fairer progressive tax, as well as rolling back the Bush era tax cuts for the rich, constitutes "class warfare". I submit that it is the Republicans who have engaged in aggressive class warfare against the middle class, the working class, and the poor. Liars without shame!

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