Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Reader Responds

From a reader:

"Frankly, I had assumed that this whole thing would be forgotten by now. Boy was I wrong!

Like you, I wish they would build somewhere else, but there is no legitimate reason for the government to stop Park51.

Ironically, some "conservatives" have advocated that the government bury the project in red tape or try to exercise eminent domain and seize the property. That is ironic because conservatives are normally in the forefront of protecting property rights. I guess it's a classic case of "whose ox is being gored.""


It's always a case of "whose ox is being gored" !!

I find it fascinating that the right wing loves to attack the First Amendment and defend the Second Amendment while the left loves to defend an expand the First Amendment (and the 14th) but it has no compunction about trying to so narrowly define the Second Amendment as to render it null and void.

Why have these two amendments become locked in a death-fight for the extremists?

Your Radical Moderate

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