Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Fragility of Hope

I admit that the election cycle exhausted me and that I required a brief respite to recover some sense of reality, which presupposes that I ever had one.

The country feels as though we are all hanging around a hospital ICU, waiting for a sick old uncle to die so that we can all finally go out and have a drink. We really don't have the desire to be there but our presence is required, if only for appearances sake.

But what are we waiting for? What we are not waiting for is Barack Obama. what we are waiting for is the opportunity to change or national psychology from one of guilt, shame and remorse to one of hope. But hope is fragile. It tends to shatter when it is impacted by reality. This new hope needs to contend with the mideast,Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Pakistan, Taliban, India, global warming, energy, education, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, liquidity traps, deflation, and inflation. Just for starters. And we are totally broke.

Will this newborn hope be vigorous and long lasting or will it be stillborn?


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