Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day II

I attended the Veterans Day parade in New York City today. It was a beautiful, sunny, crisp day, perfect for a parade, and more perfect to honor the veterans. As usual, the parade was sparsely attended, nothing like the ethnic parades that jam the rich residential part of Fifth Avenue. The veterans parade is relegated to a lower part of Fifth, more gritty and commercial, and no crowds press against the barricades that line the street.

Of course they had fresh troops there looking great and marching to the music. But also there were a lot of real vets there, older, more stooped but trying to walk tall. A few of the vets rolled by in wheelchairs with less than half their bodies. Some were transported in buses.

There is a difference between seeing the young and healthy guys who are fresh from boot camp march up the avenue while the older guys who have suffered so much and can only roll. The dead feel no pain. Those so grievously wounded feel nothing but pain.

It was a good day for a parade.

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