Monday, June 16, 2008

It's the End of thte World as we Know it

Cheap petroleum meant cheap gas which meant cars and traveling and suburbs. The Levittowns of the United States would not be possible without the car.

The fact is simple that our society is going to go through a cast upheaval as gasoline because as expensive as bottled water.

Cars will be smaller, slower, and cleaner, like this new one from Honda that runs on hydrogen based fuel cells. Or how about this one that reported runs on ..water!

Of course. no gas means no suburbs, because how are you going to get around without at least one car and an SUV in the garage? People will be moving back to the walkable,high density, public-transport-available cities. At least those who can afford to. While the poor folks, well, they might just live in those devalued McMansions that will hit the market in abundance as a result of a combinations of factors, including the price of gas and the mortgage melt-down. CNN ran with this story.

So, cinch those seat belts a little tighter because it's going to be a bumpy flight for a while as, after 150 years, we turn our economy away from petroleum to.. something, or some things else.

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