Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gore.. What is it Good For?

Well, Al Gore is waiting to a. get his Nobel Peace Prize and then, b. become the anointed saviour of the Democratic Party. If you saw the NYTIMES today you read about the growing movement to draft Gore to be the Dems' candidate. People really fear a Hillary candidacy. Her polling negatives are so high and people just don't like her. They prefer not to hold their noses when they vote in the primaries.

Hey, let's play a game... can you define your favorite candidates positions on three key issues? Try education, free trade, and health care. Bet you can't. While you scramble to their web sites to find out, chew on these recent poll numbers from Iowa:

Democratic Polls

Des Moines Register Iowa Poll conducted by Selzer & Company
Hillary Clinton 29%
John Edwards 23%
Barack Obama 22%
Bill Richardson 8%
Joe Biden 5%
Chris Dodd 1%
Dennis Kucinich 1%
Unsure 11%

Hillary has a 6 point lead over Obama. With a sample size of 399, the margin of error is about 5%.. see

Sample Margin
Size of Error

2,000 2

1,500 3

1,000 3

900 3

800 3

700 4

600 4

500 4

400 5

300 6

200 7

100 10

50 14

a 95% level
of confidence

Basically , there is a statistical dead heat between Hillary , Edwards and Obama in this poll of October 2, which was conducted by the Des Moines Register. This is not something Hillary's people want you to know. They prefer you to think her candidacy is an unstoppable juggernaut. It isn't. At this point a "surprise" is possible, but it won't be a surprise to the readers of this space.


I was discussing possible vice presidential candidates with a colleague. He thought Ricahrdson would be a good vie presidential candidate. Great balance for Hillary- male, Hispanic, Southwestern, governor,experienced. I said that Richardson will not take the number 2 position on a Hillary-headed ticket. I further predicted that neither Obama nor Edwards would accept the number 2 slot under Hillary. He thought I was nuts. We shall see, but you read it here first.

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