Sunday, April 15, 2007

Alberto Gonzalez Says, "The Dog Ate My Homework"

Dweeb of the Week Alberto Gonzalez continues to swing “slowly, slowly in the wind” and I wonder how long it will be before the Uniter and Decider decides it’s time to cut him loose. It’s is clear that he lied about the circumstances that lead to firing of eight US Deputy Attorneys General, and that those firings were motivated solely by political considerations, more specifically, the AGs were attacking Republican wrongdoing instead of the Democrats. Even Republicans don’t believe him.

Now comes word that the entire issue was discussed with Karl Rove over a parallel internet mail system run by the Republican National Committee specifically to by-pass the White House system and thereby evade required record keeping. And now they claim that they can’t find e-mails that Congress wants to examine in the course of reviewing the AG situation. In the internet age, nothing disappears, even after you press the “Delete” key. Or maybe Rosemary Woods still works in the White House?

Is there a Hercules available to clean out the Augean Stable that this administration has built?

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