Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm Tired!!

The current state of the Democratic race brings to mind the famous words of Lili von Shtupp:
I'm tired,
Tired of playing the game
Ain't it a crying shame
I'm so tired
God dammit I'm exhausted

Tired, tired of playing the game
Ain't it a crying shame
I'm so tired

The Dems are in the equivalent of the Bataan Death March and I think they have exhausted not only themselves, but everyone else involved in the political scene. Hillary and Barack have nothing new to add to the dialogue, while the press continues to impress only itself with the never-ending game of "Gotcha!" with which it is currently enthralled.

I found it interesting that not only did I miss the last debate on ABC, but several politically involved friends also absented themselves from the program. There is nothing worse for a political party than to inspire nothing but boredom in the electorate.

Those most closely involved in the Democrats' campaign seem to have taken on an air of irrationality. Obama supporters say that they will not back Hillary if she wins the nomination. Hillary backers are saying that if Obama wins, they stay home on election day. Both sides are lying, of course. It's one thing to fully back your candidate, it's quite another to threaten to stay home and allow the Republicans to again win the White House. When the nominee is chosen they will all make nice and rally 'round the candidate, so don't believe any of the whining.

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