Monday, July 30, 2007

Stuck In the Middle With You...

I have no doubt that my informed readers took note of a USG proposal to sell some $20 Billions dollars worth of arms to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. (and if you missed it, take a look at this NY TIMES article
WASHINGTON, July 27 — The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to eventually total $20 billion at a time when some United States officials contend that the Saudis are playing a counterproductive role in Iraq.

The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.

I think the big mistake here is to view the arms sale in terms of the Arab-Israeli situation. The real reason lays to the East--Iran. Take a look at this and the US arms sale makes sense as a blocking move against increasing Iranian aggressive capabilities.
DEBKA Reports: Iran buys 250 long-distance Sukhoi fighter-bombers, 20 fuel tankers, from Russia

July 27, 2007, 2:54 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tehran and the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group are about to sign a mammoth arms deal running into tens of billions of dollars for the sale to Tehran of 250 Su-30MKM warplanes and 20 IL-78 MKI fuel tankers. DEBKAfile’s military sources report Iran has stipulated delivery of the first aircraft before the end of 2007.

The transaction, Russia’s largest arms deal in 30 years, will endow Iran with a long-range aerial assault capability. The Sukhoi can sustain a four-and-a-half hour raid at its maximum range of 3,000 km against long-distance, marine and low-lying ground targets across the Persian Gulf and Middle East, including Israel and Lebanon.

The fuel tankers extends the Su-30MKM’s assault sustainability to 10 hours and its range to 8,000 km at altitudes of 11-13 km. The closest comparable plane in the West is the American F-15E fighter bomber. Iran’s acquisition of an exceptionally large fleet of the Russian fighter-bomber will elevate its air force to one of the two largest and most advanced in the region, alongside the Israeli Air Force.

Iranian air crews are already training on the new Sukhoi aircraft, ready to start flying them early next year with only a short delay after delivery. DEBKAfile’s sources report that Moscow is selling Tehran the same Sukhoi model as India received earlier this year. The Iranians leaned hard on New Delhi to let them have the Israeli avionics and electronics the Indian Air Force had installed in the Russian craft. India refused.

Russia began delivering the same craft in June to Malaysia, which also sought Israeli avionics without success. The Su-20MKM has won the nickname of “Islamic Version of Sukhoi.”

Its two-member crew shares the workload. The first pilot flies the aircraft, controls weapons and maneuvers the plane in a dogfight. The co-pilot employs BVR air-to-air and air-to-ground guided weapons in long-range engagements, sweeps the arena for enemy craft or missiles and performs as command-and-control in group missions.

Some of the plane’s systems are products of the French Thales Airborne Systems company. Moscow’s contract with Tehran for the sale of the Su-30MKM must therefore be cleared with Paris.

There is no decision in Jerusalem about asking Paris to withhold its consent to a deal which would substantially upgrade the long-range air assault capabilities of the Islamic Republic whose leaders want to wipe Israel off the map. However, President Nicolas Sarkozy is in mid-momentum of a diplomatic drive in the Arab and Muslim world and unlikely to be receptive to an Israeli approach. The only chance of aborting the Russian sale would be to route the approach through Washington.

It is clear that, despite US anger at the Saudis for not taking decisive actions to terminate the infiltration of Saudi and other nationals into Iraq to join insurgents there, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel all recognize that Iran is the major geo-political threat. There is that old saying " the enemy of my enemy is my friend". In this case, both Israel and Saudi Arabia share a common interest in raising a bulwark against possible Iranian aggression and therefore Israel will look the other way and not try to block the US-Saudi arms deal.


Anonymous said...

Maybe, Israel will look the other way and not try to block the US-Saudi arms deal.

But, Representives Anthony Weiner and Jerrold Nadler of New York announced that they are introducing legislation to block the $20 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

The Radical Moderate said...

If Israel is silent on the Saudi arms sale, that nation's supporters in congress will not rally behind Ackerman and Wiener.


Anonymous said...

Is Ackerman on record against the legislation, too?

The Radical Moderate said...

My error. Ackerman is not involved. I meant Nadler. Thanks for the correction!