Sunday, February 25, 2007

In the beginning..

Well, I decided to join the modern world and shoot off my mouth like several million other people. I hope I have something interesting to say. I intend to make this blog primarily about politics, but there are some many good ones out there that I don't intend to compete with them. Of, course, none of them accurately reflects my opinions, angst, hope, anger, humor, and frustration.

To start, what is a "Radical Moderate"? It is someone who believes that there are both rights and responsibilities inherent in your participation in society, and is not afraid to engage in vigorous debate or to take effective actions to promote that position. A Radical Moderate is someone with an open mind, willing to change a stance based on new evidence. A "Radical Moderate" is a rationalist, who understands when to act on gut feelings. Personally, my left wing friends think I'm somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun. My right-wing friends think I'm to the left of Lenin.

This mantra of "rights and responsibilities" cuts across all segments of society: classes, genders, individuals, corporations, or government entities. To my utter frustration, I find that the left focuses almost entirely on rights while the right focuses on, what? Money? I almost yearn for the time when you knew where a conservative stood: balanced budgets, status quo, beat the commies. Now, the real conservatives are the leftist environmentalists who don't want you to do anything to anything. I think they would be happier if we all ran around naked and ate berries and nuts, as long as we didn't harm the berry bushes and nut trees.

I've never met a leftist who was willing to put his or her ass on the line for the defense of this country. On the other hand I've met too may conservatives who were far to willing to put someone else’s ass on the line.

I said this would be about politic and I haven't really touched that yet. As a big ol' jump ball let me say this: I despise George W. Bush. Bush lied this country into an unnecessary war, killed almost 3,000 brave Americans in doing so, established both foreign and domestic polices that have hurt this country and its citizens. More on this theme later.

Who do I want to see as president? NOT HILLARY! She is the type of person who, if you asked her the time, would take three polls before she gave an answer. Does she have a moral compass? Can she articulate a broad vision for this country? Do you know how she will deal with the unforeseen challenges that this country faces? NO.NO. NO.

Barak Obama? Nope. Lots of sizzle. No substance.

Check out New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. Impressive credentials. Lots of experience.

Don't get me wrong. I believe this country is prepared to elect a woman, or a black, or a Jew. But I don't think this country is ready to elect a president named "Mitt".

Ground rules: comments welcomed, reasoned disagreement welcomed, arguments welcomed, humor welcomed. Any of the "ism"s that are not allowed in any publication of record will not be permitted. You know what they are. As I'm just starting this blog, please put up with any technical errors I might make.

1 comment:

Moderate Radical said...

"I despise George W. Bush. Bush lied this country into an unnecessary war, killed almost 3,000 brave Americans in doing so, established both foreign and domestic polices that have hurt this country and its citizens."
- The Radical Moderate

RM - What is your reasoned response to global terrorism? This country was attacked on a massive scale by an enemy that lacked geo-political boundaries. What is the correct response? We have been searching for the individuals responsible. It is not working out so well. This is not because we haven't been trying or devoting enough resources. It is a very hard problem. The world is a much bigger place to hide in than Google Earth™ would seem to indicate. Perhaps we should turn the other cheek? I think the recent example of the Clinton years of no response or ineffective response to terrorism are answer enough for that question. Did those actions contribute to the attacks on 9/11/2001?

Your comments on President Bush seem deliberately provocative. What do you suppose the motive was for him to take such actions as you ascribe to him? There can only be a few - stupidity or self-interest or doing what he thought best for the country with the information he had. Only if he acted out of self-interest should he earn your contempt. Again, I ask you what then were his motives?

You obviously are unhappy with the results of his actions. We are embroiled in a power struggle in Iraq in which many fellow citizens, who have pledged their lives to protect America, have died. We used to just set up a brutal dictator that was friendly to the US. Would you prefer that action? It is not so feasible now in the days of instant global access.

It is easy to judge with hindsight the actions of our leaders. It is entirely another thing to wrestle with incredibly hard problems and attempt solutions. Country building is hard. Creating huge power vacuums without a solid answer is foolhardy. Staying is not the answer. Leaving is not the answer. Sniping at those dealing with the current set of problems is not the answer. Reasoned debate is good. If this continues to made a political issue then it will get a political solution and then Lord please help us.

You say our President lied to us to justify going to war. I disagree. As someone involved in the intelligence business at that time, the intelligence looked solid. It wasn't and we have learned a great many lessons (again) on the weaknesses of our intelligence gather apparatus. I concede that we are lousy at country building and that we shouldn't attempt it. However, I am equally sure that failing to take any action can lead to even more disastrous results. Sometimes you have to act with insufficient information because the consequences of not acting are too great.

On a final note: We have elected President Bush twice. Should you despise President Bush or the people who elected him?