Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Horserace Update

Here is the latest and greatest from the CBS News/NYTIMES POLL. seems things might not be so smooth in Iowa for Hillary. Check the link from this site.which lead you here.

Bottom line: This poll indicates that Clinton, Obama, and Edwards are in a statistical dead heat in Iowa.

Remember , national polls mean nothing at this point.

Monday, November 12, 2007


The next President of the United States will be...........a man.

I'm not saying who it will be, and I'm not even saying whether it will be a Democrat or a Republican. What I am saying is that there is still a chance that Hillary will NOT be the Democratic Party nominee. Her howling about "the boys piling on" during the last debate shows that she is not capable of dealing with situations where she is not totally in control and in favorable conditions. I'd love to hear her complain about the Russians or Chinese "piling on" if she were President. Maybe she would get all weepy over Osama bin Ladin "piling on". Add her current performance, her lack of vision and ideas, and her projection of total phoniness to the strong negative reactions that she has always engendered across this country and you get the basis for my prediction. If she is the Democratic nominee, the Republican candidate will win.

Hillary is a loser.